Monday, May 28, 2007

For Yoce and Me

Is it wrong to eat alone?
To always talk on the cell phone?
To never just be in one place:
Let others truly see my face?

And is it wrong to hide away
beneath a sweatshirt's hood all day?
Protecting that which I found good
Underneath my yellow hood?

OH! Can I please just shut my door
and seal my heart here evermore
Or must I always walk the earth
to let other humans judge my worth?

But then again, what is to fear?
My heart is good -- God is here.
And God is strong when I am weak
So through me let God always speak
And God loves people, this I know
So let His love from my face flow.

i love you dear friend.. and i miss you so

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

patience and joy

thank you Lord

but now so tired =]...