Wednesday, July 4, 2007

how do you keep up?

i've never understood.... maybe it's an mk thing?.. or maybe it's just a me thing... how do you keep up with all the worlds that you have?... ccf, bfa, highschool fellowship, house, friends, parents, brother, ottawa, abbotsford, everyone in the states, work/camp, .......... list could go on... how do you find a healthy balance between all of it?... 'cuz once you take a moment to cater to one, you're far behind all the other ones... if you multi task it, it's shallow... i miss so many people... i want to love them all as God does... but how do you do it?... by the time i finish one country/one city... another continent's been ignored... how do you permeate your love around the world without disappointing people... Lord, I have so much to learn...

i saw this video at KGT a few weeks ago...

after listening to it several times, preparing for devos for camp tomorrow, i realize a few things. this is how much we impact those that are younger than us.. we really do have to be examples... i know i really looked up to those who were older when i was a youngin'... maybe that's the best i can do... which often brings me back to the question of what do you do after?... focus on the here and now with a glimpse of heaven knowing that there's a purpose for it all...

a child like faith... = simplicity...

i've always hated the word simple... it's SO relative... mr. comstock in grade 8 used to always tell us - nothing's easy... it's hard, but you understand it... but anyway.. another story, another day...

i gotta catch some shut eye to prep for work tomorrow... i'll post some pictures soon.. but.. I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!!!! =] =] =]


viv said...

if you increase your surface area ...(somehow...) there'll be more of you to go around and more of you to love

we gotta talk soon!

viv said...

sorry to say, but remember you're only human.